Update 37 - Guardian Class Update

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Quality Assurance

Update 37 - Guardian Class Update

General Information
The Skill Turn the Table no longer requires the Guardian to suffer from a combat state effect to use. Instead, the skill can now be used without a target and affects up to three targets within a thin cone (45 deg) within 6m of the Guardian. This still breaks combat state effects, including root, and provides protection from combat states for a period of time after use.
Guardian Specialization trees have been altered:
  • You can no longer specialize in Fighter of Shadow, this is transformed into a utility line.
    • Traits in Yellow will cost a base of 1 trait point when specialized in either Defender of the Free or The Keen Blade; there are some traits that have an increased cost.
Defender of the Free Changes

Trait Set Bonuses

  • Guardian's Defence: +10% to Armour, +10% to Critical Defence, +2.5% to partial Block, Increases Block Rating Points by 2.5% and -25% to Shield Wear when Blocking
  • Adaptablity: -1% Incoming Damage from All sources
  • Protection by the Shield: Grants the skill Protection by the Shield
  • Challenge the Darkness: Unchanged
  • Strengthen the Bulwark: Unchanged
  • Bolstering Blocks: Unchanged
  • Shield the People: Unchanged
Tier 1
  • Relentless Assault: Unchanged
  • Tireless Defender: Unchanged
  • Guardian's Reward: Tactics: Unchanged
Tier 2
  • Guardian's Pledge: Unchanged
  • Bellow: Unchanged
Tier 3
  • Shield-smash: Unchanged
  • Reversal: Unchanged
  • Smashing-stab: Unchanged
Tier 4
  • Follow-through: Unchanged
  • Shield Wall: Now a trainable trait; should be usable on a friendly target.
  • Shield of Light*: New trait with 5 tiers; Increases Perceived threat, Increases targets of Shield-taunt, and efficacy of Protection by the Shield
Tier 5
  • High-Spirited*: Moved from Fighter of Shadow; Unchanged
  • Disorientation: Shield-smash and Shield-blow now have a chance to reduce the critical defence rating of targets hit by these attacks
Tier 6
  • Warrior's Fortitude: +1% to Physical Mitigation, +1% Incoming Healing Modifier, +1% to Block Chance, +1.25% to partial Block Chance
  • Stoic: Unchanged
Tier 7
  • Juggernaut: Unchanged
  • Break Ranks: Unchanged

The Keen Blade
  • The Keen Blade specialization grants the skill: Overwhelm when chosen as the specialization.
  • The Keen Blade specialization changes Retaliate to Breach.
  • The Keen Blade specialization changes Whirling Retaliation to Whirling Breach.
  • Breach and Whirling Breach immediately unlock the next skill in the Parry and Block response chains.
  • Self-healing is reduced by 50% when in the Keen Blade specialization.
  • Parry and Block response skill deal 15% more damage.
Trait Set Bonuses
  • Valorous Strength: Unchanged
  • Bleed them Dry: Increases bleed damage potency, Increases bleed pulse counts by 2
  • Protection by the Sword: Grants the skill Protection by the Sword
  • Battle-fury: Grants the skill Battle Fury
  • Brutal Charge: Charge becomes Brutal Charge. Increase melee damage for a short time. Will attempt to known down your next target(s) +5s Charge Duration
  • Heavy Blows: Unchanged
  • Prey on the Weak: Successful attacks against an opponent suffer from your bleeds take extra damage.
Tier 1
  • Thill of Battle: Successful melee attack increase your chance to critical to a max stack size of 5. Scoring a critical strike resets this effect.
  • Heavy Weapons Training: +1% Skill damage and +1% Two-handed weapon damage per rank
Tier 2
  • Broad Strokes: Unchanged
  • Thrust: Unchanged
Tier 3
  • Brutal Assault: Unchanged
  • Tireless Blows: Unchanged
  • Invigourating Response: Critical hits with your response skills restore 1% of your power per rank
Tier 4
  • Deeper Wounds: Unchanged
  • To the King: Unchanged
Tier 5
  • Haemorrhage: Unchanged, but fixed a bug where all Bleeds were not affected by the bonus Bleed damage.
  • Into the Fray: +2% Charge run speed, +1 charge duration per rank; rank 6 your next melee attack has a 100% chance to critical
Tier 6
  • Warrior's Advantage: Increases Physical Mastery, +1% Melee Critical Chance, +1% Parry Chance, +1.25% to Partial Parry Chance
  • Blind Rage: Unchanged
Tier 7
  • Hammer Down: Unchanged
  • Rupture: Successful strikes with Hammer Down now remove all active bleeds on the target. Each bleed removed applies a 2.5% Incoming Damage Debuff on the target for 5 seconds. Applies the new bleed Ruptured Artery.

The Fighter of Shadow

Tier 1

  • Force Opening: Grants the skill Force Opening
  • Insult to Injury: +3% per rank to refresh any debuffs on targets struck by guardian skills
  • Bastion of Light*: Creates a 9m area beneath the Guardian's feet increasing the miss chance of all enemies within the area +5% Miss Chance. Adds a 5% chance to spread debuffs to enemies affected by Bastion of Light.
  • Defensive Expertise: +1% to Block and +1% to Parry per rank
Tier 2
  • Light-touched*: +.5% Melee Damage and Incoming healing per rank; you can block with Two-Handed weapons
  • War-chant: Unchanged
    Radiate*: Provides a 10% chance to spread debuffs on a target within Bastion of Light to up to 3 nearby targets and increases the range of Bastion of Light by 3m per rank
  • Numbed Senses: Unchanged
Tier 3
  • Tenderize: Parrying, Blocking, or evading increases Critical Rating
  • Thrill of Danger: Unchanged
  • Bolster: Unchanged
Tier 4
  • +Disabling Strikes: Increases the efficacy of Movement, Attack Speed, Outgoing Damage, Miss Chance, and Critical Defence debuffs the guardian controls
  • +Demoralizing Anthem: Increases maximum number of targets affected by War-chant by 1 per rank, -1s Block and Parry Response skill cooldown per rank, +20 War-chant range per rank
  • Redirect: Unchanged
Tier 5
  • Flash of Light: Bastion of Light now deals a small amount of damage to all enemies within its range, increases the duration of Bastion of Light by 5s
  • Bring on the Pain: Unchanged
Tier 6
  • Strong Bursts: Unchanged
  • Protected by the Light*: +2% Incoming Healing from Protection by the Shield; Adds a reflective damage shield to Protection by the Sword
  • Manifested Ire: Unchanged
  • Vicious Rebuttal: Unchanged
Tier 7
  • Warrior's Guile: +1% Tactical Mitigation, Increases Critical Defence, +1% Evade Chance, and +1.25% Evade Chance
  • Singular Focus: Unchanged
  • Cataclysmic Shout: Now Applies all available debuffs, and bleeds to targets up to 5 targets within 7m of the guardian

Update 37 - Beta#4 - (New notes in yellow)

  • Guardian traits and skills will version as part of this update.
  • Radiate was not applying to all skills because of a faulty reference. This has been remedied and now all harmful skills have the chance to "Radiate" debuffs to targets in the Bastion of Light effect. There are still two missing spread effects, stagger attack speed and Litany of Defiance. These will be added for Beta #3.
  • Bastion of Light should now have a 5% chance to trigger the spread of debuffs to targets within the radius of the effect.
  • Insult to Injury should now properly affect the debuffs applied from Litany of Defiance.
  • Haemorrhage now properly affects Deep Wound.
  • The tooltip for Disorientation now properly references Critical Defence Rating.
  • Protected by the Light now properly references adding a damage reflection shield to Protection by the Sword.
  • Cataclysmic Shout should now apply the correct bleed damage, based on your primary weapon when applying the bleeds.
  • Cataclysmic Shout now has the proper cooldown time of 180s.
  • Overwhelm now properly references that it can be opened by Breach or Whirling Breach in addition to Retaliate and Whirling Retaliation.
  • Shield of Light now properly references the number of targets it increases for shield-taunt. These are NOT cumulative.
  • Light-touched no longer references applying Incoming Healing twice. Now it properly references that it adds melee damage.
  • The tiering up buff effect for Tenderize now properly shows the trait tier and tier up effect.
  • Rupture now applies a stacking 2.5% incoming damage debuff for each bleed removed by Hammer Down. This effect lasts for 10s seconds. Ruptured artery damage was increased significantly.
  • War-chant, when enhanced with Demoralizing Shout, now properly refreshes the ability to use Breach.
  • Challenge the Darkness now properly applies Guardian's Ward: Tactics when both are traited.
  • Guardian's Defence now returns to providing Partial Block Mitigation instead of Block Rating points.
  • A bug preventing bonus bleed damage from the Overwhelm Tracery has been remedied and will now properly upgrade the damage deal by Terrible Wound.
  • Slashing Wound, Deep Wound, Haemorrhaging Wound, and Terrible Wound have all been adjusted to deal more damage.
  • The additive damage granted by Prey on the Weak has been increased.
  • Rupture now does significantly more damage when removing bleeds with Hammer Down.
  • Protection by the Sword now increases all Damage dealt by affected fellowship and raid members.
  • The damage dealt by the reflective damage shield applied through Protected by the Light was increased.
  • The added damage over time added to Bastion of Light by the Flash of Light trait was increased.
  • Keen Blade Guardian self-healing now only modifies and reduces the self-heals that a Guardian applies.
  • The tooltip for Rupture no longer references a negative bonus to incoming ranged damage, and it should properly increase all incoming damage.
  • The "stabbed" bleed applied by Smashing Stab now contributes to the rupture bonus on Hammer Down.
  • Fixed a bug where Breach and Whirling Breach were no longer applying the parry and block responses.
  • The Challenge the Darkness set bonus that bestows Guardian's Ward Tactics when used should now display the tactical bonuses applied from Guardian's Ward: Tactics trait. If there are no points in Guardian's Ward Tactics this will display as a 0 bonus.
  • The tooltip for the trait and skill Protection by the Sword has been updated to include that blocks and parries will transfer to Guardian.
  • An errant reference to marked targets being more ably affected by Singular Focus was removed.
  • The tooltip for Cataclysmic shout now references that it applies both debuffs and bleeds.
  • Disabling strikes and the icon tooltip for Hounding Fear should now display the proper value of movement loss on the target.
  • Iconography for the redirect aspect of Litany of Defiance now correctly reflects the skill iconography.
  • Updated the tooltip for the Radiate trait to be more clear, it was doubling up on what the effect of the trait does.
  • Updated Radiate with the ability to reapply both litany of defiance debuffs and the stagger attack speed debuff.
  • Catch a Breath and Warrior's Heart now heal 50% less when in Keen Blade trait tree.
  • Singular focus now reduces Physical and Tactical Mitigations by 3%.
  • Flash of Light will no longer increase the duration of Bastion of Light by 5s. It will only add the DoT.
  • Guardian's Pledge, Juggernaut, and Ignore Pain are no longer immediate skills. They are now fast skills.
  • Guardian's Pledge and Juggernaut will now apply their beneficial effects upon skill execution not at the end of the animation.
  • Radiate no longer spreads bleed effects.
  • Bastion of Light tooltip was cleaned up to no longer provide duplicate information.
  • Disabling strikes should now affect Disorientation.
  • Disorientation is now properly refreshed by Insult to Injury Procs.
  • Flash of Light damage over time was increased.
  • Protection by the Shield now has consistent range labels. That range is 20m.
  • Protection by the Sword skill now has consistent range labels. That range is 20m.
  • Breach is now a granted skill when choosing the Keen Blade Tree. Retaliate will remain on the bar but it is barred from use in Keen Blade.
  • Breach is now an immediate skill.
  • Ruptured Artery now lasts 10 seconds and has increased damage output.
  • To the King, when hitting with a critical strike will no longer have a chance to open a conjunction stun - instead it is a chance for a normal stun.
  • Hammer Down's damage is now applied in two parts, and its damage should better align with its skill animation.
  • Blind Rage no longer suggests that it will give a parry response chance to the skill To The King.
  • Singular Focus now displays the percentage debuffs it applies to mitigations in the tooltip.
  • Thrust now correctly states that it is started by Breach or Whirling Breach.
  • To the King now applied a knock down effect and the tooltip is updated to reflect this.
  • Relentless Fury now applies both parry and block responses.
  • The trait for Protection by the Sword now accurately states that it is a 20m range.
  • Ruptured Artery was being modified by the Deeper Wounds trait, this has been remedied.
  • The Bastion of Light animation has been adjusted to be more generic; additionally, a request has been entered to reduce the large walls that it creates to show the area that it affects.
  • To the King's critical bonus effect is now a 3s knock down effect instead of a stun. More reminiscent and indicative of a previous incarnation.
  • To the King's tooltip no longer states that it will open a conjunction.
  • War-chant when traited with Demoralizing Anthem now appropriately resets the cooldown on Overwhelm and Shield-taunt.
  • The base damage on War-chant and Vexing Blow increased by 25%.
  • Thrill of Danger has been altered to more reliably apply the healing effect before hard CC can stop it from being enacted.
  • Rupture now removes the Stabbed bleed and applies the additional bonus damage on Hammer Down.
  • Whirling Breach returns to being a Fast skill.
  • Charge and the improved version are now Fast skills.
  • Bash, Shield-smash, Shield-swipe, Shield-taunt and Sweeping Cut animations execute slightly faster than before.
  • There was name that was created erroneously for the Bastion of Light that included a do not translate tag. That has been removed.
  • Disabling Strikes was not correctly applying the miss chance bonus to the Bastion of Light effect. This has been updated and corrected.
  • Relentless Fury effect application was still using the old Battle-fury name. This was fixed.
  • Demoralizing Anthem no longer has a stringtable and shows the cooldown alteration.
  • Bastion of Light was set incorrectly to critical on every hit and to have no variance in damage on the ticks. This has been remedied.
  • Rupture Artery was errantly getting the bonus damage from Deeper Wounds. This has been addressed.
  • Though updated to spread Litany of Defence, Radiate was spreading the old Take to Heart debuff. We have fixed this issue.
Known Issues:

Bastion of Light

  • Not affected by the Strong Burst trait, Ascendant Light and Area of Effect Damage traceries.
Demoralizing Anthem
  • Cooldown reduction & range increase are not working.
Guardian's Ward: Tactics
  • Traiting this causes the tooltip to report an incorrect % change to tactical mitigation.
Manifested Ire
  • Hounding Fear runspeed debuff is not affected by Disabling Strikes and can apply to targets actively attacking the Guardian.
  • 'Adaptability Block & Parry Rating' & 'Increased Block, Parry & Evade from Protection' traceries need revision.
Some answers to questions

Q: Block/Parry responses using Protection by the Shield do not trigger Tenderize/Bolster, how come?
A: Protection by the Shield does not confer any redirected combat responses and therefore would not be able to trigger these effects.

Q: Why is tenderize not doubling the rating debuff with each rank?
A: This is as a result of the stat crunch, the progressions on the ratings were altered and these are the new values.

Q: Hey, Force Opening always opens a Parry Response, but Shield-blow only opens a Block response when I score a hit. Why?
A: Force Opening means just that, you are forcing an opening to get a better attack. Shield-blow requires that you connect to open that attack. They are perfectly consistent, the way we see it.

Q: Why doesn't Flash of Light have Bastion of light as a requirement?
A: This is a good question, it's more of a layout issue. I will work to get it into a position in the tree so that it can have that requirement, it really should.
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Please don’t. I love my yellow guardian and will probably retire him if this goes live.

Not sure why the main stats have to be changed yet again, but it’s not unreasonable.


calculator of mits
Please don’t. I love my yellow guardian and will probably retire him if this goes live.

Not sure why the main stats have to be changed yet again, but it’s not unreasonable.
you can still basically play the same way you played yellow gaurdian just with a diffferent main trait line


New member
Please don’t. I love my yellow guardian and will probably retire him if this goes live.

Not sure why the main stats have to be changed yet again, but it’s not unreasonable.
Were the trait set bonuses for yellow that strong? It seems like a lot of what made yellow good (blocking with 2handers, war chant) is still around even though it can't be specialized.


calculator of mits
Were the trait set bonuses for yellow that strong? It seems like a lot of what made yellow good (blocking with 2handers, war chant) is still around even though it can't be specialized.
Yellow was super bad but some people had fun playing it which is still all there in the core just better and combined with blue and red


Lead Designer
The decision to remove the Fighter of Shadow as a specialized trait tree was announced much earlier this year.

The tree has been made into a utility line that enables you to play, very nearly the same as you did with the Blue or Red trait trees as your main tree now.

Any feedback that highlights areas where the synergies can be improved or maintained are most welcome.


New member
Singular Focus doesn't seem to increase the armour debuff on marked targets. At 140 I get -7500 Armor whether or not the target is affected by bastion of light.


Lead Designer
Singular Focus doesn't seem to increase the armour debuff on marked targets. At 140 I get -7500 Armor whether or not the target is affected by bastion of light.
Yep, function was changed to not require marks. I need to update the tooltip. Thank you.


Well-known member
When using War-chant with five points in the Demoralizing Anthem talent, Breach does not recover. Visually, the icon looks ready to use, but the skill cannot be activated. Whirling Breach is fine.


Lead Designer
When using War-chant with five points in the Demoralizing Anthem talent, Breach does not recover. Visually, the icon looks ready to use, but the skill cannot be activated. Whirling Breach is fine.
I’ll take a look at that, thank you.


Active member
Now admitteldy, I don't raid or run dungeons often, but is there any chance that the range increase on War-Chant on Demoralizing Anthem could somehow be decoupled from the response skill cooldown reduction? I want the cooldown reduction, but the range increase means that I pull stuff that I don't want to when I put points into it.


Well-known member
On first impressions, bleed has become an even smaller part of the guardian's DPS total. The damage from Flash of Light is too weak. I understand that it's constant AoE damage on a large number of targets and it shouldn't be high, but in the rotation where I used it, it amounted to 0.2% of the total DPS on one target.


In the description of the debuff on incoming damage from Rupture, each rank adds 2%, not 2.5%.

So far I think this debuff should be made stronger. It's not very easy to use because of the specifics of guardian rotation. Not only do you need to use Hammer Down with four active bleeds, but you also need to refresh the bleeds as quickly as possible, so you have to use an extra Thrust in a 10 second rotation along with an extra animation interruption from Catch a Breath so that you don't increase the rotation cycle time too much. This debuff is only slightly more useful than captain's mark in situations where quick burst damage is needed. This is my subjective opinion, but perhaps the best solution is to remove Deep Wound from the list of bleeds required for Rupture and recalculate the incoming damage from the debuff and its duration based on the three remaining bleeds.

The stat changes don't look particularly positive so far. To reach the maximum physical mastery and crit (as I understand it approximately 135000 and 67900 respectively) requires even more essences than before, which has reduced the damage mitigation stats. Dexterity we can only get from jewelry and essences, and the main stat is still strength, which doesn't give us enough offensive stats. Maybe some more radical changes to the stats of our sets will follow, but for now it seems to me that strength or dexterity should be added one unit to the crit rating.
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  • Rupture: Successful strikes with Hammer Down now remove all active bleeds on the target. Each bleed removed applies a 2.5% Incoming Damage Debuff on the target for 5 seconds. Applies the new bleed Ruptured Artery.
The descriptions on the tooltips of all tiers of rupture have been overridden to read "+#% Incoming Melee Damage", but this is inaccurate--they currently affect outgoing melee damage on the target rather than incoming melee damage. Perhaps this is an unfortunate holdover from when they were intended to apply to the guardian?

Besides this bug, why is it only melee damage? And the same question for Protection by the Sword. The (very positive) trend over the past few years of class balance has been to make all classes support melee/ranged/tactical dps equally, which has gone a long way to eliminating the large swings back and forth between physical and tactical dps the meta has occasionally experienced in the past. This is also set to continue with the changes coming to LM, balancing out their huge fire mit debuffs for a perfectly symmetrical mit debuff setup. Both of these red guard effects are quite small (another issue), so it doesn't really matter that much, but this still feels like a step backwards on this front. Make them affect all three damage types equally.


Lead Designer
On first impressions, bleed has become an even smaller part of the guardian's DPS total. The damage from Flash of Light is too weak. I understand that it's constant AoE damage on a large number of targets and it shouldn't be high, but in the rotation where I used it, it amounted to 0.2% of the total DPS on one target.
Bleeds are acting a bit strange and will likely be brought more in line with where they should be.
In the description of the debuff on incoming damage from Rupture, each rank adds 2%, not 2.5%.

So far I think this debuff should be made stronger. It's not very easy to use because of the specifics of guardian rotation. Not only do you need to use Hammer Down with four active bleeds, but you also need to refresh the bleeds as quickly as possible, so you have to use an extra Thrust in a 10 second rotation along with an extra animation interruption from Catch a Breath so that you don't increase the rotation cycle time too much. This debuff is only slightly more useful than captain's mark in situations where quick burst damage is needed. This is my subjective opinion, but perhaps the best solution is to remove Deep Wound from the list of bleeds required for Rupture and recalculate the incoming damage from the debuff and its duration based on the three remaining bleeds.
Rupture is not functioning the way that it should. It's in the Known Issues.

It will be a +2.5% incoming damage debuff when it is fixed and it will likely have a 10s duration. Getting to the 10% doesn't take that much effort and it would really fit well in an optimized rotation. I think it's pretty close. There were just some bugs that I didn't have time to close out.

The stat changes don't look particularly positive so far. To reach the maximum physical mastery and crit (as I understand it approximately 135000 and 67900 respectively) requires even more essences than before, which has reduced the damage mitigation stats. Dexterity we can only get from jewelry and essences, and the main stat is still strength, which doesn't give us enough offensive stats. Maybe some more radical changes to the stats of our sets will follow, but for now it seems to me that strength or dexterity should be added one unit to the crit rating.
Stats are a work in progress and will shake out, we have time.


Lead Designer
The descriptions on the tooltips of all tiers of rupture have been overridden to read "+#% Incoming Melee Damage", but this is inaccurate--they currently affect outgoing melee damage on the target rather than incoming melee damage. Perhaps this is an unfortunate holdover from when they were intended to apply to the guardian?
Just a bug, will affect incoming damage on the target.
Besides this bug, why is it only melee damage? And the same question for Protection by the Sword. The (very positive) trend over the past few years of class balance has been to make all classes support melee/ranged/tactical dps equally, which has gone a long way to eliminating the large swings back and forth between physical and tactical dps the meta has occasionally experienced in the past.
We're starting here and seeing how well it plays and adjusts the damage - this is the first round of testing.

Make them affect all three damage types equally.
We might.


Well-known member
So the self-healing, as that is my topic I guess.
It is a bit weird. Current char, Human Guardian in red line has -38,1% Incoming Healing in the tooltip.
That means that the -50% goes to incoming healing in the calculations, and in fact my Catch a Breath heals for ~20% instead of 33,5%. This in calculation is indeed 61,9% of the original value, which is the correct -38,1%, which means my 11,9% incoming healing from gear, traits and the Human racial bonus stacks additively for this bonus.

Am I complaining? Eh, I guess not, I mean not for myself at least. But let me share some potential problem sources:
- Humans will get and 'unfair' bonus for that incoming healing, because -50%+5%=-45%, so for sealf-heals what they really get is 10% (I am happy with it, again, just seems not that fair)
- I hope that -incoming healing is only on the tooltip to help us calculate it, and don't impact external incoming healings (could not test it)
- Warrior's Heart still heals an enormous amount, which still gives a second life to Guardians in PvMP, and with the other survival options, it is maybe more OP at Etten than ever (theory, not tested)
- while the new options to get some survival (Bastion of Light, block with 2-hander, Whirling Breach allows the use of Catch a Breath anywhere, anytime, cheap Redirect) and the healing somewhat balances out, I still deem it a bit unbalanced to buy a Tracery and get reduced effect
- even with these new stuff, I still rely on Warrior's Heart to not die when I overpull, I haven't bought or used Thrill of Danger, I still think removing the highest and most OP heal is better than this funkyness; again, not for me, WH in PvMP is the imbalanced stuff, nothing else


Lead Designer
So the self-healing, as that is my topic I guess.
It is a bit weird. Current char, Human Guardian in red line has -38,1% Incoming Healing in the tooltip.
Known Issue, the debuff is affecting all healing. It will be fixed and was called out in the known issues of the OP.
That means that the -50% goes to incoming healing in the calculations, and in fact my Catch a Breath heals for ~20% instead of 33,5%. This in calculation is indeed 61,9% of the original value, which is the correct -38,1%, which means my 11,9% incoming healing from gear, traits and the Human racial bonus stacks additively for this bonus.

- Warrior's Heart still heals an enormous amount, which still gives a second life to Guardians in PvMP, and with the other survival options, it is maybe more OP at Etten than ever (theory, not tested)
Actually, I believe that this is a statistical anomaly that was not addressed in the first wave of the state squish. So it is still using the old progression for healing and will be addressed.

- while the new options to get some survival (Bastion of Light, block with 2-hander, Whirling Breach allows the use of Catch a Breath anywhere, anytime, cheap Redirect) and the healing somewhat balances out, I still deem it a bit unbalanced to buy a Tracery and get reduced effect
It is very possible that Keen Blades will want to replace that tracery.
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