River hobbit bundles


Hi everyone! Due to the River Hobbits bundles having items in addition to the race, you will need to login into another character and open the Account - Classes & Races - section of the store. There you will be able to purchase any of the bundles!


The greater cosmetic outfit looks like the one rewarded by the Mossward->Shire vector on Bullroarer. Does that mean you only get that quest with the top two bundles?
Yep, the outfits shown in both the Greater and Base bundles are granted upon completion of the 'A Hobbit's Home From Home' quest! You can pick up the quest from: Fridolin Took (Rambling Shire-folk)


Well-known member
Ok, hands up it was for LP.
Ball Park: $20, $35 and $95 worth of them.

Hat's off to them for explaining to the slow pokes how they would get 3 additional char slots (over max) for $150 though, saves them working out for themselves over many weeks.

Hoppa Joel

Well-known member
Hi everyone! Due to the River Hobbits bundles having items in addition to the race, you will need to login into another character and open the Account - Classes & Races - section of the store. There you will be able to purchase any of the bundles!
To note: If you are using the "Open Store in external browser" the package currently arent showing there, but will show in the In game store.

stage 5 grief

Anyone bought the lower bundles and can confirm the "upgrade" pricing? Am I reading this right, it costs more to upgrade than just buy the higher bundle to begin with because of the character slot?


I didn't see a screenshot showing the weapon aura.
Here's one that shows off the weapon aura for you!


Well-known member
1595 lp for the new race, char slot and a title is a fair price
New races are usually 995 lp and the char slots sell for 595 lp without discounts.​

The next bundle adds a weapon aura, another title, 4 housing items and 2,500 virtue experience for another 1400 lp.

The most expensive bundle adds a portrait frame, another title, 3 more housing items, cosmetic outfit and pet, 100 mithril and 18.5k more vxp for another 6k lp (more than the greater bundle)....

I am not sure if the fluff they include justifies the price of these bundles tbh...


Defender of the Great Apes
Anyone bought the lower bundles and can confirm the "upgrade" pricing? Am I reading this right, it costs more to upgrade than just buy the higher bundle to begin with because of the character slot?
There is no indication in the store to show that any pack will reduce in LP price if you buy one of the packs. I wanted the race with the cosmetic outfits, but the value for money is not there when I compare it to what was in the Rakish pack, so, I'll wait for the stand alone race to hit the store as I don't need more char slots. Hopefully, someone who buys the base will be able to let you know if the other bundle prices reduce as a result. Buying all three would result in 2500 extra VXP and two extra character slots.


Turbine Defense Force alumni
Does anyone know what are their racial traits/skills? I can't find that information.
Passive traits:


Slottable traits:


I love the flavor of them. Frost/Lightning/Will makes them good LM/RKs, the extra Fishing skill is fun, and I love that Hobbit-silence is copied over from Shire Hobbits.


Turbine Defense Force alumni
There is no indication in the store to show that any pack will reduce in LP price if you buy one of the packs. I wanted the race with the cosmetic outfits, but the value for money is not there when I compare it to what was in the Rakish pack, so, I'll wait for the stand alone race to hit the store as I don't need more char slots. Hopefully, someone who buys the base will be able to let you know if the other bundle prices reduce as a result. Buying all three would result in 200 extra VXP and two extra character slots.
I bought the base bundle. On my RH the greater and superior "upgrade" bundles are 1000 less than the full bundles. So it seems like it's based on the future 1000LP race-only purchase, not the 1595 base bundle price. Disappointing. But I can wait for that to be fixed or I have an excess of points burning a whole in my pocket anyway.


Defender of the Great Apes
1595 lp for the new race, char slot and a title is a fair price
New races are usually 995 lp and the char slots sell for 595 lp without discounts.​

The next bundle adds a weapon aura, another title, 4 housing items and 2,500 virtue experience for another 1400 lp.

The most expensive bundle adds a portrait frame, another title, 3 more housing items, cosmetic outfit and pet, 100 mithril and 18.5k more vxp for another 6k lp (more than the greater bundle)....

I am not sure if the fluff they include justifies the price of these bundles tbh...
It doesn't for me. I really do like the outfits, but they are not worth the jump in price - to me, though they may be to others. I don't need the char slots, and I don't really need the housing items either, unless they were to increase the housing hooks quite a bit, so I'd basically be paying 8895 for the race, an aura, a frame to go with the gazillion other frames I have, a pet that I won't use because they are disabled in the places where I would usually use them, and the outfits.

Now, if there were a nice unique River Hobbit Pony and warsteed appearance, things may have been different.

But, I basically can't get my thoughts around the massive difference between what was in the Rakish pack, compared to this, for a mere 1000 point difference.


Defender of the Great Apes
I bought the base bundle. On my RH the greater and superior "upgrade" bundles are 1000 less than the full bundles. So it seems like it's based on the future 1000LP race-only purchase, not the 1595 base bundle price. Disappointing. But I can wait for that to be fixed or I have an excess of points burning a whole in my pocket anyway.
Hehe, I'm quite happy for mine to burn a hole in my pocket, until something else comes along. By the time the stand alone race hits, I'll have earned more than it will cost just by playing the game normally on the 51 characters that I already have :)