Our latest Letter to the Players has arrived


Protector of Valinor

Q1 looks promising. Very excited for the raid and seeing a raid in Q2 wants me to find a group again to complete these. Please tell me they both have 4 tiers atleast to make progression accesible for everyone. What do we expect from "Deed Log"? Will all deeds be revised? Slayer deeds removed?

For Uniting Shâgana I am wondering what that means. You mean uniting Shâgana with Gondor? You mean going further into Shâgana? Instances coming with this update is very nice to see. Why not wait with the level cap increase for another year? LotRO has 150 levels and it takes ages to get to endgame, so why go up again? Please make it 5 levels if possible if it is needed for sales.


The Burglarious
64 bit servers, grand! I’ve noticed the benefit of them on Mordor. It’s great that we’ll get them sooner rather than later.

I just don’t have any interest moving off Laurelin. It’s been home for so long, and my community and friends are there. I’m also attached to the server’s lore name and the fact that it’s a RP server is important to me. So I have to ask too, will 64 bit be brought to the existing worlds?
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This *is* the other place.
2- Is there any timeline for bringing 64-bit server tech to the existing game worlds or has that been abandoned in favor of opening up new game worlds?

The new servers will likely not be progression or legendary (subscriptions not required - transfers in allowed).

Population is not so high that we need two or more new servers with the same ruleset.

Quite likely they have decided to leave the old servers as is - for a while - and have the new servers as replacements - requiring transfers in. Perhaps free transfers perhaps not. Obviously I could be wrong.


Well-known member
Awesome news! This was a yule present to get! Are the Q2 uniting shagana and the content pack the same thing?


Lead Designer
1- Is there any update on the Downscaling system?
Down-scaling system is on the proverbial backburner for the time being.

2- Is there any timeline for bringing 64-bit server tech to the existing game worlds or has that been abandoned in favor of opening up new game worlds?

All of these questions are going to be great to offer up to Cordovan and Severlin when they stream early next year.


Drinks Coffee All Day!
So what I get from this is that....

1) NEW servers will be 64-bit with transfer-in options.
2) OLD servers are not upgraded?

The best news here though is that there will be more servers in EUROPE, that is going to be much welcome news for our EU friends! :)


Well-known member
I am comfortable confirming the new 64-bit servers are not legendary. All other questions will be handled by Sev and Cord when they sit down for a discussion with you all, after the holidays.

This might lead to a lot of speculation and people drawing wrong conclusions that are not properly addressed for weeks though.
While I find the news of new 64 servers fantastic, the unclear communication is not good in my opinion.


Lead Designer
This might lead to a lot of speculation and people drawing wrong conclusions that are not properly addressed for weeks though.
While I find the news of new 64 servers fantastic, the unclear communication is not good in my opinion.
What clarity are you looking for specifically, Shmooz? If I can answer, I will.


Well-known member
At least initially the transfers to these new 64 bit worlds will not be from our 32 bit worlds, and will instead focus on our closed legacy servers. We'll have more details about the specifics of our plans in January.
OK, wow, that does nothing for me but I am so glad to hear that players will be able to reclaim all their archived characters and associated purchases for use on new game worlds!

The big question that remains, Cordovan, is:
–Will existing game worlds receive an upgrade to the 64-bit server tech? If so, what is the timeline for this rollout?


Well-known member
I’m sorry but discords all over are freaking out. If you don’t have specific plans that can be discussed, the announcement was very, very premature.

People are deeply concerned about fracturing communities and, from the information provided, that’s exactly where this is headed. Are you really planning on blowing up all the server communities?