Community Manager
UPDATE: The Mordor Legendary Server preview is now CLOSED
Server Closing: Friday, July 26th, 3:00 PM EDT
The database will be wiped at the conclusion of this preview. No characters will be saved.
We are pleased to announce a second test of the Mordor European Legendary World on Thursday, July 25th starting at 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT). Vastin will be in-game spawning Ringwraiths for a few hours. We will also be streaming on from 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) where Scenario will be conducting a “Hide and Seek” event and highlight the new server as we continue to refine the server experience. We invite all players to join us as we prepare to launch this new Legendary World! While Angmar and Mordor will be VIP only when they launch on the live game worlds players of all account types can preview Mordor for this event.
The level cap for this preview will be 50, and character copies from the live game worlds will NOT be available. However, the Eyes and Guard Tavern will be open (entrance located near Thorin's Hall) where players can quickly level their characters to 50.
Server Closing: Friday, July 26th, 3:00 PM EDT
The database will be wiped at the conclusion of this preview. No characters will be saved.
We are pleased to announce a second test of the Mordor European Legendary World on Thursday, July 25th starting at 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT). Vastin will be in-game spawning Ringwraiths for a few hours. We will also be streaming on from 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) where Scenario will be conducting a “Hide and Seek” event and highlight the new server as we continue to refine the server experience. We invite all players to join us as we prepare to launch this new Legendary World! While Angmar and Mordor will be VIP only when they launch on the live game worlds players of all account types can preview Mordor for this event.
The level cap for this preview will be 50, and character copies from the live game worlds will NOT be available. However, the Eyes and Guard Tavern will be open (entrance located near Thorin's Hall) where players can quickly level their characters to 50.

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