Maestro and AbcPlayer with upgrades by Aifel, Elamond and Karloman


I have made some fixes and upgrades to Maestro and AbcPlayer from Digero.

You can get them here: Link to Google Drive. Usually I recommend just grabbing the one with the highest version number.

Please note that the latest versions require 64 bit Java, unlike v2.5.0 which require 32 bit.

Also I highly recommend reading the text file Changes since Maestro 2.5.0.txt before using or installing it. It has both install instructions and the changelog contains details on how to use the new features.
So many items with the same version number


New member
good day I came back to game and remember notting about HOW TO play music plus link to songs etc.. can i have a simple way to be able to play music in game i was usinf abc before but have no link to music files etc...THNX


Well-known member
Version has been released.

Karloman has joined in the development.

  • Space can now be used to play/pause.
  • It is now again possible to start multiple Maestro or AbcPlayers.
  • AbcPlayer can now export MP3 on Linux and MacOS also.
  • Internal refactoring and update java target to JRE 8.
  • New menu option to save a midi, which will expand tracks to only have 1 instrument per track. After saving the new midi, it will ask if you would like to load the new expanded midi.
  • Add support for using pattern to define export ABC filename


Well-known member is released! Changelog
  • Added an Abc Merge Tool. It can takes multiple single-part ABC files and merge them into one multi-part ABC song.
  • Added an option to section editor to reset volumes on source notes (e.g. midi notes), so seen from Maestro there will be no volume variations in the midi file in the specified section (beside from section changes).
  • Add ability to reset setting pages. Each page has gotten a Reset Page button.
  • Add part count indicator to Song Parts title text.
  • Option in section editor to set all note volumes to default.
  • Added a warning if you try to open a MSX project file created on a newer version of Maestro with an older version.
  • Fix that when installing Maestro fresh, the drummap could be empty.
  • Maestro can now be used while Section and Tune editors are open.
  • Trim non-active parts from ABC export.
  • The part list can now be resized.
  • Added some more options to the ABC export filename pattern settings page

Hoppa Joel

Well-known member
I've been using Aifel's version of Maestro with Linux Mint for awhile, but got a new computer and installed Linux mint there,
Maestro runs, and works, except I get an error and cannot hear lotro instruments in playback. I can use the program fine.
I can see "LotroInstruments.sf2" right next to all the other files. Is there a location where I shoudl move Maestro? It has just been in a folder on desktop, ( pretty much always on every computer ) and it worked previously. Or is there a program I may have forgotten to install perhaps?

Message is : There is an error loading the LOTRO instrument sounds, Playback will use standard midi instruments instead. ( drums do not sound good in this mode ) Error Details: LotroInstruments.sf2 ) No such file or directory )


Well-known member
I've been using Aifel's version of Maestro with Linux Mint for awhile, but got a new computer and installed Linux mint there,
Maestro runs, and works, except I get an error and cannot hear lotro instruments in playback. I can use the program fine.
I can see "LotroInstruments.sf2" right next to all the other files. Is there a location where I shoudl move Maestro? It has just been in a folder on desktop, ( pretty much always on every computer ) and it worked previously. Or is there a program I may have forgotten to install perhaps?

Message is : There is an error loading the LOTRO instrument sounds, Playback will use standard midi instruments instead. ( drums do not sound good in this mode ) Error Details: LotroInstruments.sf2 ) No such file or directory )

Can you tell how your shell line to start looks like? And do you start it from the folder where the jars are located?

Hoppa Joel

Well-known member
I have a folder on the desktop of my computer that I've extracted all the files into. I I have sett the maestro.jar and abcPlayer.jar to executable, then double click them to launch ( as I am running in Linux Minut ) This worked fine, no errors, on other computer with Linux.
Soon as I launch, the error pops up int he middle of Maestro, or the player. I can create files, but I just cannot listen to them.

I imagine I've forgotten to install something, but I dont know what. the .sf2 file is in same folder as the maestro.jar


Well-known member
I have a folder on the desktop of my computer that I've extracted all the files into. I I have sett the maestro.jar and abcPlayer.jar to executable, then double click them to launch ( as I am running in Linux Minut ) This worked fine, no errors, on other computer with Linux.
Soon as I launch, the error pops up int he middle of Maestro, or the player. I can create files, but I just cannot listen to them.

I imagine I've forgotten to install something, but I dont know what. the .sf2 file is in same folder as the maestro.jar
Try instead of clicking on the jar to make a shortcut to the jar. And in the shortcut make sure to set the working folder to where the jar is.


Well-known member
I have a folder on the desktop of my computer that I've extracted all the files into. I I have sett the maestro.jar and abcPlayer.jar to executable, then double click them to launch ( as I am running in Linux Minut ) This worked fine, no errors, on other computer with Linux.
Soon as I launch, the error pops up int he middle of Maestro, or the player. I can create files, but I just cannot listen to them.

I imagine I've forgotten to install something, but I dont know what. the .sf2 file is in same folder as the maestro.jar
..and if that doesn't work then I have tried to make a fix inside Maestro, but you will have to wait for next version to try it.


One other idea is to double check that the permissions of maestro files have your user set as the owner and read/write access. It's possible it could be some permissions issue...

Hoppa Joel

Well-known member
I went back and double checked permissions, even opened things up as root, without any luck. Maybe I have the wrong java? I dunno what the old PC had on it, worked fine there hehehe... I feel, maybe in my rush to get things running I forgot to install something, but, honestly cannot think of what.
I have java version openJDK 11.0.19 64 bit,


It also might be worth trying one of the older versions (if you know what the last version you had working on your old computer was, in particular). Could help to narrow down if it's a newly-introduced bug or a problem with your new system.

Hoppa Joel

Well-known member
I was using this version on old computer, I just copied folders over.
I am using same version on Linux Mint, but it is possible I forgot to install something.


Well-known member
Version released:
  • Ability to customize instrument names for default part naming.
  • Possible fix for not finding the sf2 soundfont when starting by clicking on the jar.
  • Option in section-editor to exclude notes with specified pan. For example it can be set to not play notes that are panned left.
  • Support for importing and exporting part numbering configurations.
  • Re-open settings at the same page if "reset page" was used.
  • Fix bug where "overwrite" confirmation for exporting drum maps would still overwrite if cancel was selected.
  • The msx filename for saving Maestro projects will be built from the ABC filename export pattern if it is enabled.
  • Fixed that some MIDIs could make Maestro freeze.