I agree. I've read the feedback from the players but hardly any word from anyone at SSG.
I am hard of hearing (I sound like a broken record...) so I cannot hear anything from Twitch or Youtube.
The YouTube closed captioning (available when the video is saved to youtube, usually a few hours after airing - unless it is this week and Cordovan is on vacation.....) is actually fairly good.
It chokes on Tolkien words, because it really can't autogenerate captions for words like "Minas Tirith" or "Glan Vraig" or "Crickhollow", but you will quickly read past those. For the most part, the CC from Youtube though captures what is being talked about, and if you are already familiar with the game you know exactly what is being talked about.
Example: It translates "Cordovon" into "coven". Then again, it correctly translated Angmar and Mordor. "Bullroarer" gets captioned as "bull roar", it's those kind of things you can easily read past as a player.
Twitch does not have closed captioning, but it does have the chat archive of people asking questions. At the end of the day however like I said above as well: The information provided in streams ends up on official release notes or documents at some point in the future, but in the streams..... you just get to know some information before it is actually live.
It's not the first time that Cordovan showed us on a Friday before the patch.... the release notes for an update, and everyone gets excited and discuss it..... and you get left out because it was mentioned on a stream. Those same release notes will of course be polished and released on the day or the day before the actual patch, but if you see stuff discussed and the source is one of the streams..... well.... you will just have to take our word for it.
As for feedback: They take all the feedback we provide from the live playing events on bullroarer, and use them to work on the next beta..... they don't always provide counter-feedback to us, the players, besides sometimes some mentions in streams. Mostly, if the players provide feedback and something is changed or fixed, you will see it in the Bullroarer patch notes on the forums.