Is Lotro worth playing as a main MMO?


Hello everyone, I want to get back into Lotro and do Endgame too. But is it still worth it? Will the game be around for a long time? Many people write in the game chat that the game is dead and will be shut down in 3 years, etc.
Briefly asked: Does the game have a future like World of Wordcraft or Elder Scroll Online?


really likes to tank....except he never has.....
Hello everyone, I want to get back into Lotro and do Endgame too. But is it still worth it? Will the game be around for a long time? Many people write in the game chat that the game is dead and will be shut down in 3 years, etc.
Briefly asked: Does the game have a future like World of Wordcraft or Elder Scroll Online?
I personally think it's worth it, but i also don't have anything invested except time, as i am f2p.
Not really sure about the shut down time, it could certainly use some revisions, but i think ( at least from my perspective ) it is hard to tell, when the end really will be. I will say people really get scared whenever there is an extended/unexpected downtime, as to the future of the game..... but I think it will probably be here for a while at least. it also depends on your definition of 'dead'. if you mean the amount of new players singing up and purchasing stuff, then, yeah, the game is nowhere near the other big names and on paper would *technically* be declining. However, there is an extremely large player base, many of whom have been here for the entire time, so its not like there is a large number of people leaving either. at the end of the day its really up to you ?‍♂️

edit: now that i think about it, there has actually been a large number of people signing up recently, if the amount of forum posts like yours are any indication. so there definitely is interest


Well-known member
Yeah, those of us who passed up the chance for Lifetime subs way back at the start never expected 17+ years (or some of us just couldn't afford it at that time) and that same trope has been repeated every year since day 1.

Speaking only for me, LOTRO is my main game only sharing time with DDO. (and a little old school Diablo now & then)


edit: To add, I watch my son play a lot of the newer games that roll out. He's as ADHD as it comes with sticking to one game. I've not had the slightest urge to play any of the new stuff, freely admitting many of them require twitch skills that I'm way too old for. They make me tired just watching them. :D


17 years, and people *still* drivel on about the game closing, sky is falling blah blah blah. Its all BS, and always has been.
Id say if you want to devote time to an MMO, this is your best pick. Its the largest one out there and its a journey lol. If you want to level by questing and experience the story line, its a looooooooonnnnnngggg haul. But I say that in the best way, its a long, amazing, beautiful haul. Tons to do. If you'd rather insta-endgame and devote all your time to that, this might not be the game for you but there are methods to accomplish that. Your challenge would then be trying to find raid groups that will even acknowledge your existence since you have 0 experience/understanding of the game, however I've seen it work out successfully for a few individuals.

If you love LoTR, theres no better place than here.


really likes to tank....except he never has.....
17 years, and people *still* drivel on about the game closing, sky is falling blah blah blah. Its all BS, and always has been.
Id say if you want to devote time to an MMO, this is your best pick. Its the largest one out there and its a journey lol. If you want to level by questing and experience the story line, its a looooooooonnnnnngggg haul. But I say that in the best way, its a long, amazing, beautiful haul. Tons to do. If you'd rather insta-endgame and devote all your time to that, this might not be the game for you but there are methods to accomplish that. Your challenge would then be trying to find raid groups that will even acknowledge your existence since you have 0 experience/understanding of the game, however I've seen it work out successfully for a few individuals.

If you love LoTR, theres no better place than here.

BTW where did you find the signature??!! I NEED that! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Briefly asked: Does the game have a future like World of Wordcraft or Elder Scroll Online?
If I were being honest, I would day this games future is going to be nothing like WoW or ESO, the amount of endgame and general content updates Lotro will get over the next 3 years will be nothing in comparison to that of a big budget MMO.

That being said, the game will still be around and as it is mostly f2p you can drop in and out like I do. There is always something to do, but I would not recommend this as an MMO to ´main´.


Well-known member
It's still one of the big money makers for the owners so yeah I'm thinking it's not going away soon.

As far as it being your main: LOTS of content to work through before you're even close to endgame and LotRO is NOT a game that's about the endgame, it's all about the journey so sit back and take your time.


Well-known member
What is the future of WoW and ESO?

This game is worth playing, I would even start today if I just discovered it because it is unique. I will be very sad if it shuts down because I love this iteration of ME. It is the only MMO I play and sadly, I can't play as much as I used to due to health reasons.
I play games because I like them, not wondering what might happen and enjoy them as long as they last or until I get disappointed by them due to game changing changes like forced level scaling, combat changes or anything that would make it no fun for me.


Maturity does not come with age.
I think it is worth to try it. You don't need to spend tons of money or pay monthly sub to keep playing. Come to end game and give yourself time and see if it is good enough for you.

I play gw2 and ff14 also but lotro is my favorite.


Student of Lady Galadriel
Hello everyone, I want to get back into Lotro and do Endgame too. But is it still worth it? Will the game be around for a long time? Many people write in the game chat that the game is dead and will be shut down in 3 years, etc.
Briefly asked: Does the game have a future like World of Wordcraft or Elder Scroll Online?
My biased opinion is that LOTRO is well worthy!
Of all the games i have tried this is the only 1 that kept me around. The other MMOs that i tried i always found something i didn't like, just enough to make me steer away. About LOTRO stability facts, it is a well established game with a strong community support, constantly updated by the devs, & Tolkiens estate (or however is called nowdays) actually are LOTRO fans. I expect this game to be around a lot more years ahead. After all, the Arda planet map isn't finished yet.


The Rounder Bounder of Little Delving
Hello everyone, I want to get back into Lotro and do Endgame too. But is it still worth it? Will the game be around for a long time? Many people write in the game chat that the game is dead and will be shut down in 3 years, etc.
Briefly asked: Does the game have a future like World of Wordcraft or Elder Scroll Online?
People have been saying it is going to die soon for 10+ years at least. It's not.

But it's not like WOW or ESO. This is the game for people who love Tolkien and love Middle Earth- if you just want a fast-paced flashy MMO this is not it. If you love a good story and want to see the world of Middle Earth, this is the game.


Rider of Rohan.
I wouldn't be worried about the game for the next 5-10 years. (Ofc, you never know, but I don't think it's going anywhere just yet.)


just wanted to know source material
The devs have said they did a thought-experiment in which they collectively came up with another 20-years of content updates for LOTRO. That's just in resolving the remaining plot threads. Sure, we're past the Fellowship of the Ring within the War of the Ring. There are many stories that intertwine with the big ticket story of LOTR.

Now, does that make LOTRO your goto for endgame? Compared to other MMO, LOTRO doesn't have an endgame focus. There's no rush to reach cap and endgame is where-ever you are in LOTRO's Middle-Earth. The expansion content that gets released at cap comes at a slower pace (though on a yearly cadence, it doesn't last that long). It engages the dedicated player-base at cap for mere weeks. The devs have attempted to address this by releasing new content on a time-delayed cadence. You'll see this in the announcements part of the forum such as this thread.

If you're a dedicated MMO player this may put you off of playing LOTRO as your main. If you can come to see LOTRO isn't another MMO you'll probably enjoy it nontheless. Though maybe as your second choice.


Twitch Streamer
Lotro is my main MMO, and I play a lot of MMOs lol.

That being said, I am not at endgame in Lotro yet. I play Lotro for the story, and as such, I read every bit of quest dialogue in the game. I don't expect to hit endgame content in Lotro for a very, very long time, and I'm completely fine with that.

I look at Lotro as being different from games like WoW, EverQuest, and the sort. Lotro is a highly story-based MMORPG where experiencing the story along the way as you consume the content is a massive part of enjoying the game. I think of FFXIV in the same light. When it comes to the majority of MMORPGs like WoW and EverQuest, those games are all about leveling up and getting gear. The story is there, but it isn't the main focus of those games.

So, honestly, I think that whether Lotro is the right pick as YOUR main MMO is going to come down to what you want out of your experience playing the MMO.
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Well-known member
...honestly, I think that whether Lotro is the right pick as YOUR main MMO is going to come down to what you want out of your experience playing the MMO.

^pretty much this

So much of what you choose to play as a "main" game boils down to your own personal preferences.

Do I play it as my main game? Not currently. But it is the game I've been playing for the longest time consistently. It's a good game, if it's to your liking. As far as end game goes, hopefully somebody else here can let you know the situation with that right now as I no longer keep up with it.

stage 5 grief

I would say no. The lag and the end game grind and lack of quality control are serious. To say nothing of the increasingly inappropriate politicization of the game. Might as well play WoW at this point, at least it's not laggy and has regular updates.
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