just wanted to know source material
Those proper names now exist in Azanulbizar. Every house is represented along with lore specific banners. So now the devs can finish one of their own contributions to the legendarium. They can write the origin of Dourhands because they have license to use proper names for Firebeards and Broadbeards. Together those three houses represent the Dwarves that remained after the fall of Nogrond and Belegost. Previously we knew next to nothing about Dourhands except that they originate from the area of Blue Mountains. The only other thing we know is they've been corrupted somehow (Before the Shadows of Angmar: Redux). Basically our knowledge stops at Angmar using them against the Free People by resurrecting Skorgrim.
Many things we don't know. Such as: the proportion of Dourhands which correspond to Longbeard, Firebeard, and Broadbeard. We don't know what happened to create them originally. Based on the lore we know the remaining Dwarves of Blue Mountain were in the process of migrating to Khazad-dum. The Dourhands just happen to be a band which is obsessed with robbing Edhelion. In North Ered Luin. Now if we draw a straight line from North Ered Luin we end up back on Angmar's doorstep in Forodwaith. It's also a suitably epic location to pivot back to Rhudaur and thus Reunited Arnor.
The chances the devs won't complete their own unique story contribution is slim. Even slimmer it will go unresolved before Reunited Arnor in any form.
Many things we don't know. Such as: the proportion of Dourhands which correspond to Longbeard, Firebeard, and Broadbeard. We don't know what happened to create them originally. Based on the lore we know the remaining Dwarves of Blue Mountain were in the process of migrating to Khazad-dum. The Dourhands just happen to be a band which is obsessed with robbing Edhelion. In North Ered Luin. Now if we draw a straight line from North Ered Luin we end up back on Angmar's doorstep in Forodwaith. It's also a suitably epic location to pivot back to Rhudaur and thus Reunited Arnor.
The chances the devs won't complete their own unique story contribution is slim. Even slimmer it will go unresolved before Reunited Arnor in any form.