Combe Forester Event Delayed


Well-known member
Tried to find something on it with Bing, no luck!
I did learn that Ji Ham was a Columbus Nova executive before rising to CEO of Daybreak Games and now EG7(acting).
He'd surely know if they owned the AC IP, his email is posted on the EG7 site.


Well-known member
Only you know how the choice of drinks or it's RNG play into the speed of caber carriers and how the extra de-buff after the first expires works. Making it tough for us seeing other players with quite a significant disparity passing us, with no boosts on show and no additional de-buff procing at times. And for the losers to assume "exploiter" and "cheater". As is the way of SSG to have us fighting each other; Divide and Conquer.

It maybe it's still for everyone to discover or entirely random, neither make it a fair competition. But in essence is it camouflaging potential bugs?
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Lead Designer
Only you know how the choice of drinks or it's RNG play into the speed of caber carriers and how the extra de-buff after the first expires works.
There are three drinks.

Each applies a random effect.

Only one of those random effects is "less potent" than others.


Well-known member
I've remained in beta mode for the live events so occasionally mix my drinks for the craic.

I'd certainly post less if I didn't keep logging off when the pops start degrading the performance up to my limits. Too many all-nighters has the stark differences highlighted. Lots of sports to follow on the weekends this summer has sustained me.