As quests are the number one thing I spend all my time making (and have for nineteen years!), feedback like this fills my heart with a sense of joy and appreciation. Just kidding -- but I am used to it.
But whenever someone does say 'this is just a quest pack!' I urge you to remember that most quest packs are much, much, much smaller. Most of the Epic chapters you'd get in a quest pack had nine or ten quests in it, and maybe an instance or two. Legacy of Morgoth has five times that, at least. It's big. And if you've watched Scenario's streams, you'll know that the geography is a lot bigger (and more varied!) than you'd get in Just A Quest Pack.
I think it's exciting whenever the story advances and we see new places, whether it's in a smaller quest pack or in a big new expansion, but Legacy of Morgoth is that second one. If it was the first one it would have come out a lot closer to Corsairs of Umbar.
Thanks for the response, and I understand, from the Dev point of view, its probably not too nice to read it when someone says "It's just a quest pack."
I get your example, but, I have a few of my own too.
The Ride of the Grey Company - Immense landscape, lots of new quests, In Your Absence cluster, OD Raid.
Great River - new quests, brand new area, fellowship area, group content.
Ashes of Osgiliath - 140 new quests, brand new area, instance cluster, some real great Epic moments (Gothmog etc).
Far Anorien - 5 new levels, 2 new areas, new quests (though not that many), 12 man raid (arguably the best one in the game, with Rift and Remmorchant close behind), instance cluster, and one of the best Epic quest lines ever. I'm sure writing the Ride of the Rohirrim must hold fond memories for you, and that ending, still gives me goosebumps.
Where Dragons Dwell - two immense and varied new landscapes, 120 quests, instance cluster, and a raid.
Vales of Anduin - 150 quests, brand new, different, and varied landscape, 6 main instance.
Those are a few examples of quest packs. There are more.
I just don't see the extra 100 or so quests making up the difference. I'm sure the world building and story telling will be excellent, it always is, but Umbar (which I did deem a proper expansion, due to the level cap raise and of course, completely different types of biomes) did take me a little by surprise when almost half of it was set in King's Gondor. I'm kinda expecting this one to go the same way, but in Umbar. But the biggest non-expac thing about it for me, is the lack of new levels. It's a first for a full expansion.