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Mordor (EU) is CLOSED
Server Opening Time: Monday, July 22 ~12:00 PM ET
Server Closing Time: Thursday, July 25 ~ 12:00 PM ET
Welcome to Update 41!
Welcome to a look at some of the changes coming in update 41!
How to get started in Birding!
Hard Tack of Thorin's Hall Craft Event
Update 41 introduces our second crafting event. The new event is a community effort involving the professions of prospecting and cooking. Unlike the initial forester event, the Hard Tack of Thorin's Hall event is a cooperative. Additionally, it can be entered and completed by crafters and non-crafters alike.
The event occurs every hour with an access point in Thorin's Gates outside of Thorin's Hall. Five minutes before the event begins, there should be a general broadcast to Ered Luin that the event is about to begin. Any player may enter the event space and take part. The event lasts for 20 minutes.
Feedback Thread
Monster Play - A Sapling Grows in the Ettenmoors & Glory-seeking
New quests were added to the game supporting the new Monster Player Reward Track offered by Faranil at Glân Vraig for Free People and by Cinaid at Gramsfoot.
Two quests serve to introduce the new daily offerings available. The first is to find a peculiar item in the Ettenmoors. The second is to seek advice from those who may know more. Once these introductory quests are completed, new daily quests from Faranil and Cinaid open for their respective sides of the battle. These quests rotate daily and drive direct conflict across the Ettenmoors. In all, there are ~25 associated quests with this new offering. There are no restrictions to acquire the new quests aside from completing the tutorial experiences in the Ettenmoors for your respective side of the battle.
When asked, "What is the secret of Orc-kind?" Akúlhun responded, "To drive my enemy before me, to hear the lamentations of Man-children, and above all to seek glory!" That Uruk is somewhat depraved.
Glory-seeking is a new quest type available in the Ettenmoors. Up to four players on each side of the battle can choose to become glory-seekers. Doing so marks their location on the map, places a gaudy VFX over their head so they are noticeable on the battlefield, and increases their damage output by 20%. As they roam the Ettenmoors looking for victi- err competition. They are rewarded for massacr- err defeating the opposition by growing stronger with every few kills. Should they eliminate a large number of player opponents within a 20-minute time limit they receive a buff to damage, renown/infamy gains, and a bonus to earned glory for an additional 30 minutes.
Feedback Thread
Feedback Thread
- Server Opening Time: Thursday, July 25 ~1:00 PM ET
- Mordor is accessed via the Bullroarer launcher/client.
Server Opening Time: Monday, July 22 ~12:00 PM ET
Server Closing Time: Thursday, July 25 ~ 12:00 PM ET
- Report A Bug
- /bug may also be used from the Chat in the game.
- Guide to the Eyes and Guard Tavern
- Character Copy is AVAILABLE. This can be accessed through the 'Transfer' button on any LOTRO Launcher.
- Player database was wiped on 06/10/24.
Welcome to Update 41!
Welcome to a look at some of the changes coming in update 41!
Please take a look at the new 'Birding' tab on the Collections Panel for a preview and information of all the beautiful birds you will be able to add to your Journal!How to get started in Birding!
- Visit any Hobby Master in Middle-earth to train the Birding hobby.
- Please let us know if you find a Hobby Master that does not offer this option.
- Upon learning the Hobby, you will receive a Basic Birding Kit and 'The Basics of Birding'. Equip your Birding Kit and travel to any regions scouted for birds by Middle-earth Explorers, as explained in document.
- Please note, just like the Fishing Rod the Birding Kit will replace your main hand weapon.
- The 'Birding' skill will train to your Hobby tab. This skill can be placed on your Action Bars.
- You can begin to search for birds using your Birding Action button.
- You will have several opportunities to spot birds with each attempt, represented by different animations:
- First you will call for birds
- You will then scan for birds using the spyglass
- You must press your Birding Action button again when you see the indication that a bird has been spotted
- For each time you successfully 'spot' a bird you will open yourself up to finding a rarer bird from that region.
- Keep looking for birds until you have found all the birds of each region, just be aware that after a while the birds will have grown wary of your presence, and you will need to come back later to be able to spot more birds in that area.
- Each bird you have successfully spotted will be recorded in the Birding section of your Collections Panel, so go out and spot them all!
- Animations do not work with Beorning characters yet.
Hard Tack of Thorin's Hall Craft Event
Update 41 introduces our second crafting event. The new event is a community effort involving the professions of prospecting and cooking. Unlike the initial forester event, the Hard Tack of Thorin's Hall event is a cooperative. Additionally, it can be entered and completed by crafters and non-crafters alike.
The event occurs every hour with an access point in Thorin's Gates outside of Thorin's Hall. Five minutes before the event begins, there should be a general broadcast to Ered Luin that the event is about to begin. Any player may enter the event space and take part. The event lasts for 20 minutes.
Feedback Thread
Monster Play - A Sapling Grows in the Ettenmoors & Glory-seeking
New quests were added to the game supporting the new Monster Player Reward Track offered by Faranil at Glân Vraig for Free People and by Cinaid at Gramsfoot.
Two quests serve to introduce the new daily offerings available. The first is to find a peculiar item in the Ettenmoors. The second is to seek advice from those who may know more. Once these introductory quests are completed, new daily quests from Faranil and Cinaid open for their respective sides of the battle. These quests rotate daily and drive direct conflict across the Ettenmoors. In all, there are ~25 associated quests with this new offering. There are no restrictions to acquire the new quests aside from completing the tutorial experiences in the Ettenmoors for your respective side of the battle.
When asked, "What is the secret of Orc-kind?" Akúlhun responded, "To drive my enemy before me, to hear the lamentations of Man-children, and above all to seek glory!" That Uruk is somewhat depraved.
Glory-seeking is a new quest type available in the Ettenmoors. Up to four players on each side of the battle can choose to become glory-seekers. Doing so marks their location on the map, places a gaudy VFX over their head so they are noticeable on the battlefield, and increases their damage output by 20%. As they roam the Ettenmoors looking for victi- err competition. They are rewarded for massacr- err defeating the opposition by growing stronger with every few kills. Should they eliminate a large number of player opponents within a 20-minute time limit they receive a buff to damage, renown/infamy gains, and a bonus to earned glory for an additional 30 minutes.
Feedback Thread
Lore-master Update
As of Beta 3, the class is now stable and while we are still making tweaks and polish, the changes to it are nearly complete. We look forward to your feedback and commentary!Feedback Thread
Release Notes - U41 Beta #5 (New notes in yellow):
Events- Hard Tack of Thorin's Hall - Feedback Thread
- A new craft event comes to Thorin's Hall. This craft event is open to all players. Prospectors and Cooks are featured as the crafters participating in the event.
- Go to Thorin's Gates to enter Ukhbab-gair and engage in the Hard Tack of Thorin's Hall event.
- The event should run every hour on the hour and requires you to choose to be an assistant, a prospector, or a cook for the purposes of the event.
- Main quests track your progress in supplemental quests and completing enough advances and rewards you with craft event currencies (participation, runner-up, and winner ribbons).
- Overseers are placed in more logical locations in the event space.
- Wrapper quests for assisting, cooking, and prospecting can no longer be cancelled.
- If any of the wrapper events fails there is a 30-minute cooldown. This will allow you try again at the next event update.
- Each internal wrapper objective of acquiring Thorin's Hall Commendations now consumes the previous 5 commendations earned to avoid exploitation.
- Cook and prospector event quest wrapper rewards are now: T1=10 Participation, T2 = 10 more, T3 = 20 more participation T4= 5 Runner-up and for completion a winner token.
- Inductions to use items in the space should now accurately display Using when using.
- Induction timer reduction bonus should no longer be able to stack.
- Speed modifiers should no longer be usable in the space.
- All the bonuses from the foods are now working in the space.
- Channeling events in the space should now slow you down when carrying items, unless you are under the effects of the event food.
- The quest "Pick Them Up" will now fail when too close to Sneaky Hobbits.
- The quest "Barrel of Fish" should now allow for fishing to occur in the space and will grant an additional Thorin's Hall Commendation for catching all the necessary fish.
- Lazy Prospectors who receive ale, or snacks should now respond with drama.
- Lazy Prospectors who interrupt you while you carry ore will now respond.
- Small nodes were renamed to weak nodes.
- Mining a weak node will now generate 4 small chunks of ever-burning ore.
- Mining a rich node will now generate 3 medium chunks of ever-burning ore and a small chunk.
- Mining a laden node will now generate 2 large chunks of ever-burning ore, a medium chunk, and a small chunk or ever-burning ore.
- To finish the small deliver ore quest you now must deliver 3 chunks of small ever-burning ore.
- To finish the medium deliver ore quest you now must deliver 2 chunks of medium ever-burning ore.
- Cooking should no longer display completed in any of the delivery portions of the quests.
- Cooking interactive objects should no longer glow when they can no longer be used.
- Cooking quests should no longer be able to be taken concurrently.
- Some of the barter rewards have been added to the barterer just outside of Uhkbab-gairu. This includes recipes and some new outfits. We continue to work on getting them in.
- Added commentary to the coordinator in the Hard Tack Event.
- More rewards added related to the prospector and cooks.
- Added new cosmetic for other professions.
- Barter profiles updated to reflect this on the reward vendor outside of Ukhbab-gairu and with Old Bauman.
- New recipes available on craft event barterers allowing players to combine their top-tier matching axe and pickaxe.
- Cleaned up language around deliveries of items in the Thorin's Hall Event
- Made the objects for the ever-burning ore larger and appear the same.
- The fishing quest now functions correctly in the Thorin's Hall Event.
- Ever-burning ore used to start channeling now disappears when the channel portion of a quest begins.
- Mushroom snack now has a description.
- All of the consumable food items now require players to consume the item in the space. The durations have been reduced.
- The food buffs no longer stack.
- Ore carts are now all labeled properly and should glow.
- The quest Pick Them Up now fails the quest if the item is dropped.
- The quest Pick Them Up no longer references the sneaky hobbits when the channel expires without reaching them.
- Lazy prospectors are now present in the space again. They can be set to sleep or despawned by different quest results.
- The Billboard advancement now is correct on the advancement of the assistant wrapper.
- Craft events now advance the correct wrappers. Supporting events for delivering Ore advance both prospector and assistant quests and supporting events for cooks advance cook events. Directly cooking or prospecting only advance their respective profession events.
- You can now fish up fish in the space. Hooray.
- The Assistant quest in the Thorin's Hall Event now correctly advances.
- Wanderer's Recipes available at Old Bauman and at the Thorin's Hall event barter location now grant the correct recipes.
- Reduced the number of mushrooms needed for the assistance with mushrooms quest in the event.
- Reduced the number of fish needed for the supporting quest in the event.
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip display and speed overrides used when the players begin to carry the items in the event.
- Lore-master
- Lore-master class trait specs have been reset due to changes in the trees.
- The Lore-master skill Water Lore is now granted at level 32 (down from 72). Existing Lore-masters between level 32 - 71 will automatically receive this skill.
- Rune-keeper
- Scribe a New Ending no longer suggests that it applies to your fellowship when used. This is a targeted skill.
- Rectangle and Cone AoE Effects in game will now detect targets over significantly greater height differences than before.
- This should allow area effects to operate more effectively when slopes, ramps, and stairs are involved.
- Several crafting introduction quests have revised dialogue to account for the removal of vocations.
- New metalsmith recipes added to the Umbar tier. This allows players to craft tools affecting four professions at once.
- Added the following new tool combinations of metalsmith tools:
Tools of the Umbari Arsman: weaponsmith, woodworkers, foresters, and prospectors
Tools of the Umbari Explorer: tailor, forester, jeweller, and prospector
Tools of the Umbari Historian: scholar, farmer, jeweller, and weaponsmith
Tools of the Umbari Protector: prospector, metalsmith, scholar, and tailor
Tools of the Umbari Tinker: jeweller, prospector, farmer, and cook
Tools of the Umbari Generalist: cook, farmer, metalsmith, and tailor
- The objectives on the map for the Eryn Lasgalen quest, The Torech Emel Brood are now easier to see.
- The letter that bestows the quest Outfitting Yourself and Others will now show the correct text for Beornings.
- The Mordor deed Tales of Gorgoroth has been revised to identify which quests players are required to complete in order to complete the deed.
- Resolved an issue with the Gundabad quest Searching for Gold in which players would receive two gold nuggets and only get credit for one.
- The banners in the Dol Amroth quest Banners of Umbar are now easier to click on.
- The objective, "Complete Citizens of the Cape of Umbar" in the Deeds of the Cape of Umbar meta deed, has been corrected to read "Complete Quests of the Cape of Umbar". The completion requirements have not changed.
- Players will no longer be attacked by invisible corsairs while playing the Shield Isles quest Theft Beyond Measure.
- The Storm-raven on the mailbox in Echad Naeglanc, Dunland, will no longer cause players to go into combat.
- The name of a quest in The Wastes, Under the Watch of Narchost, has been corrected to Under the Watch of Carchost.
- The tooltip on Albino Skin now correctly identifies it as an item that can be turned in for tasks.
- Corsair Raiders in Barad Rill no longer eat using weapons as utensils.
- Trees associated with the Eryn Lasgalen quest Mending the Mirkwood will no longer glow unless you have the quest underway.
- The prospector representing the Iron Garrison at Gharâf-fehem in The Redhorn Lodes has had their name corrected to "Hersir".
- The Temamir dwarf Asitam now has a consistent appearance whenever he appears (either in King's Gondor or in Furukzahar).
- Zhélruka Warriors in the Câr Bronach quest Tûr Fúar: Captured Zhélruka will no longer respawn with quest rings even though they cannot be re-used to advance the quest.
- In the Eregion quest instance Leader of the Foul Wood, Zagâfum will no longer attack the player before they are on the correct objective.
- Morcar in Wildermore will no longer show a quest ring on the radar after all of his quests are complete.
- Enemies in the Firien Wood, a remote bestowed quest in the Beacon Hills, Far Anorien, will now bestow. It can be acquired by defeating Variag in the vicinity of Halifirien.
- Glowing spots on the landscape in Eregion can now only be seen when the relevant quests are in progress.
- The deeds Captains of Minas Tirith, Masters of Minas Tirith, and Wardens of Minas Tirith should once again bestow properly when you approach the appropriate npcs.
- The Barrow-downs quest Digging in the Dirt now has quest guides that are easier to see on the map.
- In order to prevent several gameplay issues, scions are being removed from all tiers of the instance "Thaurisgar, the Vile Apothecary".
- The Elderslade Mission "The Hunting Grounds" now works correctly in a Duo Fellowship.
- Note: The Hunting Grounds instance mission will be versioned on update.
- The Gundabad Mission: "Sting Like a Grodbog" instance exit door now works correctly.
- The Gundabad Mission: "Unwelcome Guests" instance exit door now works correctly.
- Enemies now consistently spawn at the correct time in the Wildwood Mission: Attack on Cotfast.
- Legendary Items now indicate if they are ready to be reforged in the examination tooltip.
- If you have completed "The Abyss of Mordath -- Tier 2", Fragments of the Abyss crafting components are once again available for barter at the Gorgoroth Crafting Vendor or at the Master of Mordor Lore Gorgoroth Rewards Vendor.
- The Tome of the Rust Corgi is now available to barter from Myrtle Mint for Figments of Splendour.
- Tome of Veteran Vigour and Tome of Veteran Resolve will no longer drop from Adventurer's or Traveller's Steel-Bound Lootboxes. Instead a Scroll of Max Morale and Power has a chance of dropping.
- Newly acquired Adventurer's lootbox gear, for level 150 characters, will now scale to item level 517 - 519.
- A Sapling Grows in the Ettenmoors & Glory Seeking - Feedback Thread
- Sapling Quests now complete as they should at Cinaid and Faranil.
- Cinaid's quests now advance and display their advances.
- Saplings, to be found for Cinaid and Faranil in the Ettenmoors, were not spawning correctly. This has been addressed and they should spawn throughout the Ettenmoors.
- Glory-seeker quests now teleport the player and monster player to their respective forward camps.
- Glory-seeker quests now properly advance their benefits and culminate in the You are glorious effect when completed.
- Saplings, to be found for Cinaid and Faranil in the Ettenmoors, were not spawning correctly. This has been addressed and they should spawn throughout the Ettenmoors.
- The correct NPCs are now placed and available for the supplemental Sapling quests.
- The anti-Glory Seeker quests are disabled while we address bugs.
- Failing your channeling event in the Sapling delivery quests now fails the quests.
- All of the player side daily sapling quests now advance the weekly quests.
- Cleave the enemy no longer requires the player to be level 150 to start the quest.
- The number of kills for Corruptor: Beneath the earth is now displayed.
- Bring them Low! now has a return to Tordur as outlined
- Cleave the enemy now teleports to the orc camp and no longer mentions the random location.
- Some updates to Player Barter Vendors in the Ettenmoors: vendors now have purchasable quests that reward an amount of IAXP that scales to your level. These quests are available for purchase with Tokens of Valour, Commendations, and the new currency being introduced with the Monster Play Reward Track - Marta.
- Access to a seasonal reward track is now available for Monster Players.
- Only quests offered daily after finding and completing the sapling quests count toward the monster play reward track.
- New Cosmetic Rewards based on the initial and third Ettenmoors armour releases added to the armour vendors in Glân Vrai - these are available for purchase with the new shared account currency available from the upcoming Monster Play - Season of Strife Track.
- New Consumable packs are available from barterers on the player and monster player vendors in Glân Vraig and Gramsfoot respectively. These are available for the new shared account currency available from the upcoming Monster Play - Season of Strife Track.
- Added the new player portrait frame for the Season of Strife to the task Vendor at Glân Vraig.
- There is now a weekly quest for monster players and a reward key with a chest that is lootable weekly.
- Player chests have been updated and an additional tier was added with a new key given out on the first weekly quest.
- We have done the following to the kill task quests purchased at Gramsfoot and Glân Vraig:
- There are no longer tiers associated with these tasks, there is only 1 task.
- The kill count for these tasks increases to 50 kills.
- The weekly quests previously advanced by each completion of either the kill task, or the kill task tiers now provides 5 of the item needed to satisfy the objective in the weekly quests.
- Adjusted the layout of the Class Traits screen to fix an issue where the German description of the Lore-master traits would be cut off at the bottom of the screen.
- (Deutsch) Fixed a text wrapping issue on the Virtue Traits Screen.
- (Deutsch) Fixed a text cut off issue on the Quest Screen.
- (Deutsch) Fixed a text wrapping issue on the Crafting Recipe Screen.
- GERMAN : A typo has been corrected on the Middle-earth map in German.
- The Fleet-captain barterer in Dâr Laja, the Meeting-hall now shows the barterer map note.
- VO for the Kindred in the last step of the new quest for the Keteph storyline now plays correctly.
- Old Bauman at the Combe Lumber Camp now shows a map note that he is a barterer.
- A new Birding Tab has been added to the Collections Page to show all of the ornithological occupants of Middle Earth you can spot (Birds coming soon!).
- Performance tweaks - Please let us know if you see any odd behavior with NPCs pathing or AI acting "braindead".