Bullroarer - Update 41.2 - PREVIEW 2 'The Dragon and the Storm' - CLOSED

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Quality Assurance Team Lead
Bullroarer is CLOSED

Server Opening Time: Wednesday, August 21 ~12:00 PM EDT
Server Closing Time: Friday, August 23 ~ 3:00 PM EDT

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon and LOTRO's newest instance, "The Dragon and the Storm"!

**Beware, if you have not played through the Beneath the Surface Tales of the Kindred storyline then there are spoilers below. You are warned.**

Kinsman Rothog, as part of his quest line, sent the hunter, Shaidal, to acquire a fearsome 'dragon.' Rothog's arc culminates in "The Dragon and the Storm."

"The Dragon and the Storm" is an instance available as a solo/duo and 6-player instance we'll launch this summer and integrate into festival instance rotation in 2025. Come and bear witness to the conclusion of Rothog's quest to entertain the people of Umbar with the instance 'The Dragon and the Storm.'

Please Note:
  • The Solo/Duo version of this instance is not available for this preview.

This update addresses several bugs and balance issues reported from last week's preview. Itemization is also ready for feedback.

Please use this thread for feedback, and we hope you enjoy "The Dragon and the Storm"!
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Well-known member
"The Dragon and the Storm" is an instance available as a solo/duo and 6-player instance we'll launch this summer and integrate into festival instance rotation in 2025.

Does this mean this is a festival 6man like the Boss from the Vaults: Storagun/Thrang/Naruhel encounters? Or is this an actual 6man available all year? Notes are less than clear.


Student of Lady Galadriel
Bullroarer is PENDING

Server Opening Time: Wednesday, August 14 ~10:00 AM EDT
Server Closing Time: Friday, August 16 ~ 3:00 PM EDT

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon and LOTRO's newest instance, "The Dragon and the Storm"!

**Beware, if you have not played through the Beneath the Surface Tales of the Kindred storyline then there are spoilers below. You are warned.**

Kinsman Rothog, as part of his quest line, sent the hunter, Shaidal, to acquire a fearsome 'dragon.' Rothog's arc culminates in "The Dragon and the Storm."

"The Dragon and the Storm" is an instance available as a solo/duo and 6-player instance we'll launch this summer and integrate into festival instance rotation in 2025. Come and bear witness to the conclusion of Rothog's quest to entertain the people of Umbar with the instance 'The Dragon and the Storm.'

Please Note:
  • The Solo/Duo version of this instance is not available for this preview.
  • Itemization for this instance is not yet fully implemented.
Known Issue:
  • The tier 2 difficulty of this instance is currently using a mechanic reserved for tier 3. This makes the encounters against the Tempestuous Flame Boss and High Cultists harder than it will be when properly applying effects meant for tier 2. The current implementation of tier 2 more closely represents the tier 3 experience.

Please use this thread for feedback, and we hope you enjoy "The Dragon and the Storm"!
A new seadonal instance! That is interesting. Wil it drop
some unique reward that match the summer theme or inspired on the landscape area that it belong? I certainly love matching deeds & tittles (please dont gate those to level cap only),, but also some surprice cosmetic, pet, or house deco. Gear & legendary improvements, will be great if run at level cap too. Also what is the minimum level that it can be done? Seasonal instances are a fun way to share with fellows of all levels.


Student of Lady Galadriel
Does this mean this is a festival 6man like the Boss from the Vaults: Storagun/Thrang/Naruhel encounters? Or is this an actual 6man available all year? Notes are less than clear.
Actually that is clear:
The Dragon and the Storm" is an instance available as a solo/duo and 6-player instance we'll launch this summer and integrate into festival instance rotation in 2025.


Active member
I don't know. It sits under Umbar instances. Is only 150. And to have the conclusion to a questline onyl be available part of the year sounds horrible, but not without SSG'ness. No other instance under the seasonal tab though. Think we need some clarification


Well-known member
I don't know. It sits under Umbar instances. Is only 150. And to have the conclusion to a questline onyl be available part of the year sounds horrible, but not without SSG'ness. No other instance under the seasonal tab though. Think we need some clarification
If it's a full time instance then I'm excited. But seasonal just seems pointless to me. As you said something story related only available once a year is dreadful.


Well-known member
My understanding is that it's a full time instance that will later also be included as a seasonal , same way Rift thrang also became farmer's faire thrang or Giant wing Storvagun became Winter festival Storvagun. But it's up to SSG i guess , not sure why they included that 2025 festival referance , it's just confusing.


Lore Knower // Crafting Main
"The Dragon and the Storm" is an instance available as a solo/duo and 6-player instance we'll launch this summer and integrate into festival instance rotation in 2025.
Sounds like an endgame 6man that will become a scaling festival fight next year, I'm guessing for Midsummer.

Every festival boss fight is available year-round in the original instance, so it would make sense for this to operate the same.


Well-known member
% damage threat is a horrible tank essence. As is the statline on it being -vit +crit. Won't be used as is
OH ess is clearly bugged at 75% atm
ST/AoE damage ess are boring but fine

The armour sets are useless. Raid sets are better & these have crazys stuff like no mainstat on helm, lightning/fire mits & never surrender set bonus. I guess yellow cap gets a good set now ?


Well-known member
I would love to test this new 6-man instance but when I went on Bullroarer there were only 3 others logged on and non of them wanted to do it.
I will have to wait until the solo/duo version is available I guess.

stage 5 grief

% damage threat is a horrible tank essence. As is the statline on it being -vit +crit. Won't be used as is
OH ess is clearly bugged at 75% atm
ST/AoE damage ess are boring but fine
Yeah...idk who is in charge of itemization but they've clearly never played tank. The neck/essence is trash, it's a massive downgrade full of useless stats.
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